Sunday, October 31, 2010

What's up?

It has been quite a while since I have posted anything on this, and, quite frankly, I think that emptying my head out in this post might be productive in some way. Life has been a zoo lately. I can really get off the path, man. I sure am grateful that Jesus redeemed me with his blood, and my salvation is not based on what I do! His Grace Alone, truly is sufficient!

Forgiven is good, I didn't earn it, I just need to receive it!!!
Confess and believe!

I know this sounds overboard, but I need to practice some enthusiasm into something good. The Bible has not once steered me wrong. I have misunderstood, however, or at least that is how I had to understand at the time to get me to exactly where I stand today. "The footsteps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord." I am far from perfect at this, but today I am aware that there is a war, spiritually, going on all the time. This war is more relevant and so much bigger than this little life-fight I have with the things I see, feel, taste, touch, and hear. Here is the cool part; God made and makes me into an integral part in His majestical tapestry. Only I can be me, only you can be you, not one the same..... How? Yet we are all the same.....we are all His children if we allow Him to reign in our lives. It's free!!!! I will tell you what, I need Grace. I am just beginning to learn the depths of my vanity and fears. I really do believe that it is very possible that God may pull the plug on this cess pool we allow ourselves to live in. The greed and selfishness, the war on illicit drugs, yet the ones the pharmaceutical companies are kicking out are at least as detrimental to ourselves. Not that there isnt an appropriate use for everything. Trouble comes when we worship the creation more than the Creator. There is so much more rambling for me to do, but I think this wasn't a bad start. Let me know what you think. I believe that 'Everything is Possible with God"!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Learning Plan #3: Work, School, and Staying Sane

The first question posed is "Describe your work ethic", and I do not particularly care for the question. This probably indicates a bit of guilt on my part. I would say my discomfort to this question stems from my recogniton of knowing I must stay on top of my self-care to be effective. I am a very effective worker when it comes to things I like doing or that I am comfortable doing. When it comes to areas I feel uncomfortable, I get anxious and balk or procrastinate. I get my work done, but I do work best if there is flexibility with the schedule.

I have sought training outside the classroom. I had been working with MCYRJP prior to starting my internship here, and I have volunteered at the health care center quite a bit as well. I also have been working at the district level of AA for 2 years now, and I have just been elected as the district treatment chair.

My classes started out fine. I was keeping up well. My grades are good as far as I know, but I am feeling as if I am starting to go under. To make it even better, I start another class this coming week.

As far as self-care goes, I have seen a psychologist, I go to my meetings, I talk with my supervisor, pray and read The Bible daily, I am scheduled as a speaker for the upcoming recovery retreat at St. Anthony's, and spend extra time with Brett thru the summer. We even went to the WI. Dells!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Learning Plan 2-Influences to My Human Services Decision

If I had to say what my single greatest influence has been in my decision to pursue a Human Services degree, I would have to say that it would be my life experience. I grew up with a disabled father and a mother that had to stay home and help him. We were always in need of services, however, with my father's vet's pension we rarely qualified for any programs. We struggled through, but it seemed as if no one was ever be able to really able to help. (thank God for all the good people in our lives: family and friends) Not that they didn't want to; we were just too well off. (by like 10$ per month, LOL) It really didn't end there. My father did finally get help by way of the DVR and his worker, Doug Below. Doug was a God-send and he knew how to get things done. This gave my dad something to do that he could do, which was a large factor, I believe, in my dad surviving another 10+ years with us. Beyond that, I have mostly been employed in customer service jobs, and I have always liked helping people out if I could. My recovery from alcoholism, A.A., and sponsoring of others has been most gratifying. It is a truly indescribable gift to have God use me to help bring another child of His hope. When I see that other person come back to life, it is truly priceless. Those experiences make me sure of His Grace and Power, and keep me mindful of the eternal.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My first day with Marathon County Youth Restorative Justice Program went very well. Carrie and I touched on nearly all the requirements of the field experience in just the first day. I am excited about this placement, and the opportunity to have an impact in the lives of the people I will have the chance to serve. It is amazing what God can do in your life if you let Him in.